The playard comes to bitcoin: sharing platform mostly frozen dollar withdrawal

Playpens also exist for virtual currencies. The main platform for exchanging bitcoins , Mt Gox , announced Thursday the suspension of all cash withdrawals in dollars over the next two weeks .
The announcement comes after Mt Gox suffered last week an increase in the volume of deposits and cash withdrawals , which has caused the greatest platform for exchanging bitcoins , as she declared , had difficulties in processing transactions and there have been delays , so it is working on the implementation of a new computer system.

Strengths and weaknesses


Once you have your portfolio and acquire bitcoins will open for you a whole market and a monetary system independent of all central banks and offering more and more opportunities , flexibility and point of sale ( both physical and virtual ) .
With Bitcoin we avoid episodes of political / economic censorship like that experienced when Wikileaks Paypal and Visa blocked donations to the organization.

How are bitcoins handled?

You can create your own bitcoin (a process called mining refers to the way in which gold and other rare minerals used as currency pattern is obtained ) . Create bitcoins consume many CPU cycles on your computer. It basically consists of performing complex mathematical operations that create unique numeric identifiers within the network of bitcoins and then these identifiers can be exchanged for bitcoins . Create bitcoins is complicated , you should ( almost necessary ) to associate your computing power to other people , settle various programs, including hardware purchase (usually graphics cards ) for good performance in the production of bitcoins .

The exchange system has been hacked Bitcoins

Systems Bitcoins sharing service based in the Czech Republic have been hacked . It seems that cybercriminals emptied the wallets of users. disconnected your website. According to a message posted on the site, the attack occurred in the afternoon of 11 November. The company is

The informal exchange group The Bitcoin Foundation opens office in Londres

The informal exchange group The Bitcoin Foundation opens office in London
The group of informal exchange of Bitcoin Bitcoin known as The International Foundation announced its territory to London where he opened an office managed by Jon Matonis , executive director of the company expansion.